
We Don't Need No Stinkin' Rules

The administration has put its law-breaking capacity into overdrive in recent weeks. If it's not one thing with these people its another. I shouldn't rag too much on the administration though. It's apparently the majority of the Repug party that's gone A.W.O.L. from American-style democracy. Check it out:

Contractors: We have all heard about the Bushies' penchant for awarding contracts to their buddies in industry. (We don't have any Eisenhoweresque letters to captains of industry giving them the governnment if he dies yet, but we can be pretty sure they either already exist or are on there way.) We know about Halliburton and KBR fleecings in Iraq. But now comes something we probably, if we asked our past selves, knew was coming. It turns out that a Bushie named O'Beirne is in charge of okaying contracts for the Middle East and he has a unique system. In order to work in Iraq one must swear loyalty to the Bush administration and state opposition to Roe v. Wade. Remember, this is the federal government. Rules schmules.

School Strippers?: Congress recently debated a bill, that was tabled, titled HR 5295 that would, of all things allow schools to spy on their student body (as if they don't already). The bill gives them the ability to engage in 4th Amendment violations up to and including STRIP SEARCHES. Now if we consider how many pedophiles are employed in our schools combined with out-of-control authoritarians, think about how many young men and women will be violated by their trusted authority figures. We might as well pass the same law for the church. So much for the "moral majority."

DLC Wolves: It has been much discussed that a possible presidential contender for the 2008 race is New Mexico governor Bill Richardson. The number one qualification for the Dem elite, however, seems to be that Richardson is Hispanic. What no one seems to be looking at is his record. Richardson is straight-up, NAFTA-wed DLC. In a recent ad, he touts his role in cutting taxes, especially the capital gains tax. Here's a good rule of thumb: If a Dem wants to cut the capital gains tax, he or she is a DLC Repug-lite. In addition, according to Greg Palast's Armed Madhouse, Richardson knew full well that Mexican-American and Native-American votes in NM had been thrown out by GOP operatives in both 2000 and 2004 and he knew his head election official was not correctly investigating the voter purge (She later went on a cruise sponsored by touch-screen voting machine companies). He did nothing. With candidates like Hillary and Bill Richardson, it's amazing the Democratic party still exists.

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