
Evidence of Election Tampering to be Destroyed

With all of the questions surrounding the outcome of the 2004 presidential elections, one would think the public would be eager to know what actually happened in Ohio. One might expect elections officials to care enough to see that the outcome of the election was correct. One might even expect to hear something about reams of accusations of alleged tampering and fraud. One might want to find coverage of the hearings held by John Conyers. One might want to see Ken Blackwell investigated for his Harris-style roll. One might even want to know about the impending destruction of the Ohio 2004 election ballots! What???!!!! That's right. Ohio officials, in accordance with Ohio state law, are planning on destroying the tainted 2004 ballots on September 3, 2006....... in less than a month!

According to SavetheBallots.org, Ohio officials have said that they "can't wait" to destroy the ballots and bury the controversy with them. So much for democracy. One would think that, with all of the questions concerning fraud, someone would have the ability to stop the destruction and rescue the ballots, otherwise known as the smoking gun. Those officials, Ohio Repugs, have not only no intention of investigating election fraud themselves, but are bound and determined to see that no one has the ability. Is there a more clear admission of guilt?

Ken Blackwell, the Harris of Ohio and now candidate for Governor, not only has no intention of letting investigations take place, but plans on using the same machines (made by a company he owned stock in) and, one can assume, the same tactics alleged to have been used in 2004 to secure his own election.

Another great miscarriage of justice is about to occur and is being ignored, as usual, by the mainstream media!

To help go to: www.savetheballots.org or write to them at info@savetheballots.org.

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