

Many, or should I say most, people in the American mainstream are still unaware of the existence of PNAC, otherwise known as the the Project for the New American Century. PNAC is a right-wing think tank that is.... and no I'm not kidding.... bent on global domination through U.S. military might. It was begun by Bill Kristol, a regular pundit on many "news" shows, and Robert Kagan. Kristol is completely looney toons. PNAC, among others, has been a key player in shaping the agenda of the Bush cabal. In fact, a quick view of its website should be enough to give the averge person a good idea of what it's all about.

PNAC is the group responsible for lobbying Clinton to attack Iraq, yes Iraq, in the 1990s and on the site you will find a document entitled Rebuilding America's Defenses. This document lays out PNAC's military/economic agenda for the United States. It also contains a startling idea. On page 51, you will discover one of PNAC's statements that says that a "new Pearl Harbor" would go a long way in facilitating the public's acceptence of PNAC's plans. This document came out in September of 2000. That should be enough information to get people interested in investigating, or at least it might perk up their ears. But the document and the think tank's agenda have been widely ignored by the mainstream media even though they continue to interview Kristol. For that reason, it is necessary to demonstrate how PNAC is corrupting government. We can do this by examining its most incriminating document.

Rebuilding America's Defenses

The author's of this authoritarian/imperialist manifesto have done us a great service. At the beginning of the document we find they have left us an outline of the paper's main points. It is layed out eerily like a checklist. So let's do some checking.

Some of the proposals listed are somewhat ambiguous as to their real meaning, so we will examine a few that are not.

"...fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars...": Gee. Does this one really need explaining? We are already in Afghanistan and Iraq and it looks daily as if we are going into Iran and Syria. Remember, however, that the Middle East is only the beginning of their plan. There is still the Balkans (unless that was Clinton's job), East Asia and, for some, reason, Europe and the UN. Apparently PNAC sees our longtime allies as threats to our security. This is, of course, (excluding the idea that PNAC and the WTO/IMF/World Bank/etc. club is tied in with PNAC) unless we have already economically conquered these areas.

"...perform 'constabulary' duties associated with shaping the security environment in critical regions...": It has always been seen as a violation of American law for the U.S. to engage in police actions. However, that is exactly what we are doing in Iraq and that is exactly what PNAC wants. We are supposed to be turning over Iraq to the Iraqis, but be assured that is not the plan. This is also where the competing interests of the oil men come in. If we were actually leaving Iraq would we be building permanent bases?

"Maintain Nuclear Strategic Superiority": And you thought the Cold War was over! Bush has already opted out of the ABM Treaty and it looks like the Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty is a goner. But Americans really need those Indian mangoes. This is how they plan to reignite the Cold War (and people thought Condi Rice had no real place in the administration).

"Control the New 'International Commons' of Space and Cyberspace": This is one of those you don't too often hear about in the corporate press. There has been some talk about deep-sixing Internet neutrality and the Congress has moved on it. Of course, they seem to be on the side of big-business as opposed to the people. This is step one in the privatization of the Internet. It is most likely also part of the plan to scare the public into tighter restrictions on the web by pushing the ideas of Internet predation and Identity Theft. There are very likely lots of predators and thieves out there, but, if it's such a big deal, why does the government continue to put our inforamtion on the web and why do parents continue to allow their children unsupervised access to the net? Besides the last high profile predator convicted was one of the same group of people in the DHS telling us to be afraid and charged with our protection.

"...the creation of a new military service - U.S. Space Forces- with the mission of space control." : This has to be a joke right?!! Nope. The little Neo-Cons think the aliens are coming for them. More to the point, they want to have complete military control over space, probably because they think the evil Pan-Franco and Russo-fascists will out-fascista them first. There have already been reports of space war simulations. Then there was the little reported move by Tom DeLay in Texas. After the Repugs Perry-mandered the districts (Perry is the governor) Texans found that NASA's Houston, was suddenly in DeLay's district. Then there are the GOP-led NASA budget cuts. It's just like with schools and the U.S. Post Office. The Bushies are strangling them in the hopes of garnering support for privatization.

"Develop and Deploy Global Missile Defense Systems": Can anyone say Star Wars? Although this ridiculous idea of trying to, essentially, hit a pencil launched from a slingshot out of the air with a smaller pencil (try it!) was aborted years ago because it DOESN"T WORK, the boys, mostly, at PNAC still think it's a grand idea. They have lots going on this front like the MDA and NMD. They keep claiming success also. Too bad they have to put radio transmitters on the "enemy" missiles in order to hit them.

These are just a few of the overwhelming amount of suggested actions, developed by PNAC, that the administration has seen fit to undertake. Go to PNAC's website, or the website of the PNAC watchdog, to see just how imporatnt these lunatics are to this administration.

More later.

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