
Save the Majority!!!

Heard Air America? The Majority Report with Sam Seder is one of the network's top shows, but for some reason AA is considering dropping it. The funny thing is that Sam Seder is one of its most knowledgeable hosts. He is amiable and accommodating to his (non-Rethuglican) callers and guests. The show is entertaining AND informative, which is hard to achieve on radio, and it is odd that the powers that be would consider canceling it. If the problem is low ratings (which is hard to believe) it would seem to be more a peculiar case of an unflattering time slot than a reflection on Seder or the show. Maybe it has something to do with the format change from two hosts to one, with the leaving of Janeane Garofalo, but that doesn't fly since it was originally Seder's show. It sounds like politics and a left-wing network has no business acting like a corporate thug.

Along with Randi Rhodes, Mike Malloy, Thom Hartmann, Laura Flanders, State of Belief and Ring of Fire, Sam Seder forms the backbone of AA's truly liberal programming. The station has relied heavily on the star power of the ever-"centrist"-drifting Franken and the Clear Channel connected Springer, but they are the draw, while shows like The Majority Report are the hook.

If you don't listen to the show you should give it a chance. (Check Air America for times and affiliates in your area.) If you do listen, give Sam a hand by calling in during the show at 1-866-303-2270 and firing off an e-mail to supporttheshow@majorityreportradio.com.

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